Digital Underwater Photography
Specialty Course
From $399.00
Duration 1 Day
What better place to learn to do a Digital UnderWater Photography course than Perth Scuba?
PADI Digital Underwater Photography
With WA’s best range of underwater photographic equipment in store, Perth Scuba is THE best place to learn. Your Instructor will help you master your own camera or teach you all the tricks of the trade with one of ours! You will be pointing and shooting in next to no time at all. The results… awesome! Learn about lighting, and light positioning, ISO settings and Shutter speeds, aperture settings and begin to understand this great hobby or profession.
This course includes a bonus session on photograph editing as well as your very own photograph critique by a pro!
Don’t just tell people what you saw… SHOW THEM!
Perth Scuba PADI Digital Underwater Photography Course includes:
- Tuition
- PADI Digital Underwater Photography eLearning
- PADI Certification eCard
- Hire of BCD, Regulator & Tank
- Air Fills (for entire course)
- Free Dive Club Membership
- Equipment Discount for Students on Courses
- Digital Underwater Camera Hire
Here's how it works!
A get to know your camera session followed by two dives and then an analysis of your photographic results are just a few of the things you will do in this awesome 1 day course. You will be amazed at what you learn!

Let's Go Scuba Diving !!!
Your dive will be a guided dive by one of our Photography Pros! Your Instructor will show you the way to get the best results and have you entering those competitions in next to no time.
After your day out – it’s a trip back to Perth Scuba as a qualified PADI Digital Underwater Photography Specialty Diver…