Master Scuba Instructor
Professional Course
From Enquire
Duration 1 Day
The final step before being eligible for the PADI Course Director course, APPLY NOW!
This is an application level where the candidate must have proven their ability as a PADI professional to gain this elite rating.
- PADI IDC Staff Instructor
- PADI Instructor for minimum of 2 years
- EFR Instructor
- Participated in 3 PADI Seminars
- Issued a minimum of 150 Certifications – of which 50 must be from continued education courses and must include 15 specialty divers, 5 rescue divers,5 Dive Masters and 5 Assistant Instructors. ** Other ways to meet Assistant Instructor requirements – Staff 2 entire IDCs or Staff one entire IDC and certify 3 additional Assistant Instructors.
- No more than 75 certifications can be from Discover Scuba Diving credits
- No more than 25 non diving specialties (i.e Equipment Specialist)
- No more than 10 Seal Team Credits
- No more than 50 IDC staffing credits
- Certified no less than 10 EFR certifications
- Have no verified Quality Assurance violations within the last 6 months and no open QA inquiries at point of application.
- Demonstrated an excellent commitment to diver training using the full PADI system and its materials to provide the best possible training to students.
- Demonstrate full support of the PADI organization and the efforts used to establish programs in aquatic education and conservation.
As a Perth Scuba qualified Master Instructor, you have now become one of the most sought after and employable Master Instructors in WA. Not only have you successfully taken your diving to the next level, you have done so with the best Instructors available. Welcome to the team!
To apply to Perth Scuba’s massively rewarding Master Instructor Course contact us. A meeting will be scheduled to discuss your application and answer any questions you may have.