Point Peron scuba dive for the new year of 2020
Point Peron scuba dive for the new year of 2020
Sunday 5 January 2020

The first club dive of 2020 and after a gourmet bbq breakfast, 23 Club Divers descended on the Point this Sunday morning to the sight of great conditions and only the smallest of breakers. After an easy snorkel out to the Northern end of the farthest reef, we dropped 8m in 23oC to a sandy seabed and then joined the reef wall following it on our left shoulder.
A first time Manta member and our youngest Junior OW diver spotted a Weedy Seadragon which was fantastic for the 10 or so other divers following close behind to also see and enjoy, though the Photographers unashamedly dominated the front row seats (of course!)
Visibility fluctuated with the bottom composition from 10m to +15m but with no current, and only the slightest of swell keeping the kelp waving to-and-fro in the tightest gaps, negotiating the various pinnacles and boulders in such clear viz gave us that sensation of flying. Finding the first of the caverns we snaked through 25m of passageways inside the reef with our torches before emerging to sunlight again.
A swim out over the sand spotting Pebble crabs allowed the group to spread but still maintain visual contact and then reconvene for more exploration of the overhangs’ nocks and crannies. Alas no sight of the Hammerheads, though a couple of flitting shadows on the edge of our visibility had my imagination running wild.

Continuing our exploration we found an exhilerating 6m chimney drop that led to a cave and further 10m passage exiting to the outer reef wall. Bullseyes, Talma and Footballer were occupying the caverns and Sea Sweeps, Silver Trevally, Scad and Western King Wrasse were coursing the reef walls and sand flats. Some divers saw a large stingray, others saw crays of varying sizes.
This was as good as I’ve ever seen at this site during daylight and clearly created a very relaxing atmosphere (or may be that should be ‘watersphere’?) for everyone. The smiles on everyones faces and recounts in the car park said it all. This is a mini Rottnest experience, and all from a beach entry! We are so fortunate to have this quality of shore diving, and right on our doorstep, we really are. And that’s from a Queenslander!