Schooling fish, warm water, huge octopus and blue ring octopus rescue!
Schooling fish, warm water, huge octopus and blue ring octopus rescue!
Sunday 24 November 2019
Manta Club dive at Jervoise Bay – schooling little fishes in warm water, a huge octopus at groyne end, and a small blue ring rescued from a tuna can

This Sunday morning was great for diving, and almost perfect weather was enjoyed by all 23 of our divers on the Club Dive list today. The water conditions were slightly bumpy due to the winds not being exactly as predicted, particularly in the shallows, but stable once we got some depth. The visibility in the water was between 4-7 meters or so. The water was at 22C, so I changed into short wetsuit already, and it didn’t feel cold at all. We were surrounded by schools of small stripey fishes, few talmas, some morwong, and some soft corals we seen also. Some divers saw seahorses, a stingray, and a large octopus near the end of groyne.
Reports are still coming in on what else they might have seen. One of those things was a bluering octopus picked up carefully by one of our crew, inside its housing being a discarded tuna can. One less tuna can in the ocean, one more warning to the crew to exercise due care in selecting the objects for removing from dive sites – if not handled professionally, that item could have caused serious worries. We watched the little octopus come out of the can in the carpark, and returned the dangerous creature to its natural habitat with care, using gloves, a small wooden stick, and a little plastic box.

Divers of all various experience levels were present, and everybody said they enjoyed exploring this lesser-known dive site. Several new Manta Club divers joined our crew today, and hopefully seen some things of interest in the water. Thanks everyone for coming to this Manta Club dive! See you on next dives soon.
Written by Mikhail – PADI Instructor