Sue's Groyne (not groin!) night dive
Sue's Groyne club night dive
Wednesday 16 November 2022
We had a great turnout tonight, at the understated dive site which is Sue's Groyne at Chelydra Park. We also welcomed some guests from Queensland who were keen to see what Perth diving has to offer. We made our way into the water with trusty Phil as our shore support. The vis was not the best and there was a lot of green algae around which got worse as we went along the groyne. Having said this, the dive site did not disappoint!
We saw some amazing creatures including pipe fish, nudibranchs, cuttlefish, fan bellied leatherjackets, the usual suspect old wives and stripeys, cobbler, a big ball of juvenile striped catfish, a crocodile fish, scorpionfish, gurnards, and towards the end of the dive we were delighted to see a juvenile conger eel in the shallows.
Come and join us on a night dive every Wednesday at 7 pm! Keep an eye on Perth Scuba's Manta Club page for the next one.