Ammunition Jetty night dive
Ammunition Jetty
Wednesday 31 November 2022
Once again, a wonderful group of divers joined us for our Wednesday night dive at Ammo Jetty. It was nice to see some familiar faces and a few new ones.
The water was a bit choppy upon entry, but as soon as we dropped down it was pretty calm. The vis was surprisingly good, around 5m.
It is always exciting to dive Ammo Jetty, known for its excellent macro subjects. Tonight did not disappoint as we saw lots of nudis, a large baler shell, seahorses, occys, old wives, fan bellied leatherjackets, cowfish, a lone globe fish, squid, schools of tarwhine and bream, and 3 delightful Port Jackson sharks; who followed us around like puppies.
After the dive, some of us stayed back in the carpark and chatted about the dive
It is always lovely to be in the company of like minded people who share the love of the ocean and its inhabitants. We look forward to welcoming you on another night dive every Wednesday.