Kwinana Grain Terminal club night dive
Kwinana Grain Terminal club night dive
Wednesday 14 December 2022

Kwinana Grain Terminal was the venue for tonight’s night dive. We had a great bunch of divers turn up to explore the magic of this site.
The water was calm but a fairly strong current was running parallel to the shore. Coupled with the jetty messing with our compasses, this made navigation interesting!
Vis was around 4 meters and the critters were out to play. We saw seahorses, tons of big crabs, squid, fan bellies and tasseled leatherjackets, sea hares, a couple of curious stingrays towards the end of the jetty and lots of bioluminescent coral.
Some of us were delighted to find a snake headed eel poking its head out of the sand just as we were about to exit. (Photo courtesy of Phil McDonald)

After the dive we were treated to a bbq thanks to Arlo our DMT dingo and dad Mitch Kelly. Thanks for the shore support, always appreciated. We look forward to you joining us on our next club dive, all divers are welcome!!