Blackwall Reach club night dive
Blackwall Reach Club Night Dive
Wednesday 23 August 2023
What an awesome night for diving in the river. The water was flat and the wind was still. It couldn't be better for a Wednesday night club dive.
Just after 7 pm seven divers entered the water at Blackwall Reach. The mission for the night was to follow the new line trail to the first Barge, have a look around then return along the rock wall. Vis was as expected. It doesn't help when the silt gets stirred up so it was a great lesson for us all in keeping off the bottom. Once the silt settled and we had clear water visibility was around 3 to 5 metres in some areas. A great assortment of underwater critters gave our divers plenty to talk about. Sea Horses, huge Squid and Flathead were found at the wreck while the swim back along the wall saw plenty of crabs and prawns.
With a water temp of 16 degrees this was Blackwall Reach diving at its finest. I love Blackwall Reach and must admit it is probably my most favourite local dive site. I am looking forward to exploring more and more of the area. The weather is starting to change and I see great things ahead in the coming weeks.
Thanks to the divers who came along and were a part of the night. Some new faces to the Night Dive Club. It's great to see Divers transitioning from our regular Sunday morning dives to our Wednesday nights. I am looking forward to seeing more of you join us on our Wednesday nights as you start to come out of Diver Hibernation.