Blue swimming crabs everywhere, but not allowed to take!
Blue swimming crabs everywhere, but not allowed to take!
Wednesday 16 October 2019

Despite less than 5m viz no one was complaining and the exBHP Jetty turned up trumps again this Wednesday. Hiding under a pipe at the start was a shy Giant Australian Cuttlefish who just wouldn’t come out and show us its full size but was probably half grown. Clouds of Toadies dominate the shallows and what becomes very evident before too long are the hordes and hordes of Blue Swimming Crabs everywhere. Forget the river they’re all down here! And you can’t touch em – Ha!
Though I was very uncomfortable about one male with an age gap preference for females that would make Prince Andrew stop in his tracks. Amongst the multicoloured sponges and sea squirts decorating the pylons were a juvenile Magpie Morwong, Western Cardinal, a couple of amorous nudibranch and numerous seahorses.

Three Seahorses strung on a line proved a challenge to get all in line and focus, and all too soon it became time to head back, but not before a few minutes watching a pair of loveable Slender Seamoths scuttling around the 12m deepest point off the end of the jetty. Passing a big King George Whiting and Midget flathead I managed to find the barrel with the Pineapplefish still guarding its territory, coming out and right up to the camera.
I managed to miss the old jerry cans with the Highfin Moray but it is still there as confirmed by others, and after a last pose from a Fanbelly leatherjacket I lay on my back removing fins, blowing bubbles and watching them dissolve into the stary night. Another great night at this site and well done to the divemaster candidates for completing their tasks.