Chidley Point night dive catching prawns
Chidley Point night dive catching prawns

Last Wednesday nights club dive was at Chidley point Mosman park. The site is well know for its prawns and with a turn out of five we took a short stroll down to the water.
Under the water we had no current at all, it was great, so we headed out to the deep. At around 12m the viz wasn’t anything special so we came back to 8-9m and started looking for prawns. The bank was covered with them, nothing huge but enough to keep us happy.
The site was also covered in big blue manners and I spotted a couple of big flat heads too. Another buddy team found a blue ringed octopus that put on a little show for them then took off. After about 40mins we came back into the shallows and did a last look around for prawns. After snagging a few more we headed in. It’s an awesome little site if you want something different and to get away from the currents.